Players Schedule Rules Records History

Each player will be paired with another player. The pairings are random and you will not partner with the same person twice in the same year.

The pair will play in a fourball match versus another pairing. In a match play format, each player will play their own ball each hole. The better net score for the hole is compared against the better net score from the other team to determine a hole winner or a push. Holes do not carry over.

The winning team of the front nine will get 2 points, the winner of the back nine will get 2 points, and the overall winner will get 2 points for a total of 6 points available per match. These points will be split between the pair.

The team that wins the most overall points for the day will win the monthly cash prize to be split with each other. In the event of a tie, the team that won the most holes will win the prize. In the event of another tie, a scorecard playoff will ensue (starting with the hardest hole on the course, the #1 handicap, the scores will be compared until one team scores a better best ball than the other on a single hole). In the event of another tie, the prize money will be split.